Update 29th Feb 2024
You will know that the Prime Minister and some Conservative MPs have characterised vocal opposition to the government's weak response to the Gaza crisis as "undemocratic", so it's more important than ever that we Liberal…
You will know that the Prime Minister and some Conservative MPs have characterised vocal opposition to the government's weak response to the Gaza crisis as "undemocratic", so it's more important than ever that we Liberal…
The Way Forward It’s now clear – and widely accepted by outside observers including the UK, the US and neighbouring Arab states – that the only way lasting peace can emerge from the conflict in…
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling on South Africa’s case for genocide A brief summary A link to the ICJ ruling in more detail is here https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-sum-01-00-en.pdf The interim judgement from the ICJ on Friday looked like…
The intensity of Israel’s bombing of Gaza is unprecedented this century. One child is killed every ten mins, and more than 20,000 Palestinians are known to have been killed, with several more thousands missing presumed…