Lib Dem Friends of Palestine and ICJP Events at the Lib Dem Autumn Conference 2024

In partnership with the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), the Lib Dem Friends of Palestine co-hosted two events on Sunday 22 September at the fringes of the Liberal Democrats’ autumn 2024 conference. Between the two events, we counted over 250 distinct attendees, which included the party CEO, the party Deputy Leader, at least 23 MPs, several peers, councillors and assembly members as well as former MEPs.

Speakers included the Palestinian Ambassador to the UK Husam Zomlot, Deputy Lib Dem Leader Daisy Cooper MP, Director of the Council for Arab-British Understanding (CAABU) Chris Doyle, Director of the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) Tayab Ali and LDFP Chair Anne-Marie Simpson.

Husam Zomlot congratulated the party on being the first to call for ceasefire. They speakers talked about how the Lib Dem party is a party of internationalism, and how we must stand for international law. They called for recognition of Palestine, arms embargoes and sanctons on products from Occupied Territories, and persistence in hope, and showing immediate and unapologetic outrage at immorality and violations of law.