Lib Dem autumn 2024 conference – Friends of Palestine activities

There will be a full range of LDFP activities at the Autumn Conference in Brighton.  We will have a motion on Israel/Palestine on the agenda, our usual stall in the exhibition area, and a fringe meeting – and this year we will be co-hosting an evening reception on the Sunday, the same day as our fringe meeting.  If you are coming to Conference and haven’t registered yet, to day is the last day at the reduced-price Early Bird Rate.  You should register here today for the cheaper rate

Fringe Meeting : our speakers will be Husam Zomlot, Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, Chris Doyle, Director of the Council for Arab-British Understanding (CAABU), and Tayab Ali, a lawyer specialising in International Criminal Law who is the Director of the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP).  The venue is the Charlotte Room in the Grand Hotel, from 11.30am to 12.30pm on Sunday 25th September.  The Grand Hotel is a two minute walk west along the front from the conference centre.  The room only has capacity for 120, so you may need to get there early !

Reception : later on Sunday 15th September we are holding a reception, co-hosted by the ICJP, in the Ambassador Suite of the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel (a further one minute’s walk along the front from the Grand Hotel).  Drinks and finger-food will be provided, and you are welcome to drop in between 5.30pm and 7.30pm.  There will be a chance to meet some of the fringe speakers and continue the Q&A from the fringe meeting, and mingle with Liberal Democrat MPs and other likeminded people who believe in defending and upholding Palestinian people’s human rights.

Registration is not required for attendance at either the Fringe or the Reception, which are taking place outside the controlled conference area.