Lib Dems support Palestine

This election is your chance to make a difference for Palestinians. Vote Liberal Democrat, and you will vote for a stronger presence in Parliament for a party that supports Palestinians. We will push the next government to immediately 

  • Recognise the State of Palestine by its pre-1967 borders 
  • Stop arming Israel
  • Stop trading with Israeli illegal settlements 
  • Pledge to arrest the Israeli prime minister and defence minister as well as Hamas leaders if they enter UK territory

In 2017, the Liberal Democrat party membership voted for the immediate recognition of Palestine. 

In 2021, the Liberal Democrat party membership called for the immediate cessation of trade with illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian territories. 

Our Foreign Affairs Spokesperson herself is Palestinian and has family in Gaza. This year, our Party Leadership (not just our individual MPs) have 

  • Given their full support to the ICC ruling 
  • Called to suspend arms sales to Israel 
  • Called for a two-state solution
  • Called for sanctions on far-right Israeli ministers for pushing more settlements 
  • Called for the immediate release of political prisoners and hostages 

All of our MPs have voted for a ceasefire since at least November 2023.