Join us

We rely on member engagement and support to steer the Lib Dem party’s support for the rights of Palestinians.

By joining us you are confirming your support for the Liberal Democratic Party’s core values of liberalism, internationalism and support for the indivisibility of human rights and the rule of law. We currently support the ‘two-state solution’, ensuring safety and security for both Palestine and Israel. We are in favour of the immediate recognition of the State of Palestine and believe that the occupation is in breach of international law and that all trade with the illegal settlements should be banned. We reject all forms of racism and discrimination.

If you are a member of the Lib Dem party and would like to join its associated organisation Lib Dem Friends of Palestine, please sign up via Annual membership is £30 per annum, or £10 if you’re eligible for the concessionary rate. You will receive our newsletter detailing LDFP activities and developments, and will be invited to join our Annual General Members’ meeting.

LDFP also welcomes Associate Members who, although not members of the Liberal Democratic Party, support its core values and subscribe to the aims of LDFP. Associate Members are invited to our meetings but may not stand for office or vote at members’ meetings.

Alternatively you may make a payment or standing order directly to our bank account as follows:


Account name: Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine

Account number: 22421437

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