Bristol sponsored walk for Palestine 2014


18th May 2014

An easy 5 mile walk from central Bristol to Ashton Court Estate and return via the Suspension Bridge and Clifton to the harbour. To get your sponsorship form electronically or by post contact with your details.Money raised will be split 50/50 between

Women in Hebron who organise a not-for-profit fair-trade employment project in the Hebron area and run a shop in the centre of the city in defiance of the settlers. Their founder, Nawal Slemiah, is well known from her UK speaking tours.


Palestine Solidarity Campaign Campaigns at national and local level for peace & justice for Palestinians, in support of human rights & against all racism.

If you can’t join us consider a donation – cheques payable to “Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign” and send them as soon as possible to BPSC c/o Hydra Books 34 Old Market BS2 0EZ

– See more at: