Protest vigil – 5 years on from the end of Israel’s 2008/9 massacre in Gaza

Saturday 18 January 2014
12noon to 2pm
Opposite the Israeli Embassy in London, Kensington High Street, W8 5NP London (exit High Street Kensington Underground station – turn right and walk for 3 minutes).
End Israeli Attacks – End the Siege on Gaza
Join us protest for justice for the victims of Israel’s massacre and against the ongoing siege on Gaza.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Palestinian Forum in Brittain
British Muslim Initiative
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Stop the War Coalition
Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Friends of Al-Aqsa UK
Liberal Democrats Friends of Palestine
War on Want
Unite the Union
Public and Commercial Services Union
Amos Trust
Support this event, join and share, spread the word, bring your friends and family, and please let us know if you can volunteer on the day!!
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